[FFVII Main Theme music plays in the background...] [Midgar in ruins is shown, the camera moves from right to left.] On-screen text: TWO YEARS LATER [People walking down the streets, someone (a boy?) hidden behind a wall] Narrator: "The Planet weaves a cruel fate for men..." [Kadaj talks to a group of children inside a dark place, stirring them out, while Loz and Yazoo stand behind him] Narrator: "Children are always the first to suffer..." [Lifestream flows] [Vincent stands in a dark forest in front of a pond/river, the camera closes in on his face] Narrator: "Geostigma, Jenova, Reunion..." [A little girl (Marlene?) who seem frightened grabs Vincent' s legs] [Again, the three Silver-Haired Men are talking to a mass of children, but now they are outside in the deranged landscape] Narrator: "Children who have lost hope..." [Zack' s Buster Sword lies on the ground on the promontory in front of Midgar, surrounded by flowers(?), Cloud grabs it and places it vertically in the ground] Narrator: "...respite for the soul. And so, he takes sword in hand... once again!" [Music shifts to One-Winged Angel, Cloud is shown fighting Kadaj each on the respective motorbike, in the highroad. Kadaj fires with some sort of shotgun, while Cloud counterattacks with his sword] [Scene shifts to the Cathedral, where Tifa and Loz are fighting. She delivers a lot of blows ( a punch combo finished with a kick ). Then the scene reverts to Cloud vs Kadaj in the highroad, their weapons clash one another. Again Tifa vs Loz, the latter moves backwards and then attacks again, lifting petals in the air.] [Kadaj is shown in a chamber where the mysterious wheelchaired-person is beside him. The camera closes in on Kadaj' s smile, then he turns to the caped person on the wheelchair] [The three Silver-Haired Men are shooting Cloud in the dark forest, Cloud takes one sword from the motorbike and rides towards them] [Scene shifts to the ruined Midgar, where Cloud and Kadaj confront one another with a sword fight. Then we see Loz again in the Cathedral, surrounded by falling petals, who raises his head smiling] [Again the dark forest, Cloud vs Loz, the latter sends Cloud against a nearby tree making him hurting his back] (in rapid succession) [Tifa in a martial stance with petals falling all around] (in rapid succession) [Yazoo shooting at Cloud in the forest] (in rapid succession) [Close-up of Tifa and the petals] [Kadaj concentrates some energy in his left arm and then sends an energy beam that pierces the clouded sky] [Cloud walking down the Cathedral alternates with Sephiroth amidst the flames] On-screen text: IS IT FOR THE CHILDREN? FOR A MEMORY? OR FOR HIMSELF? [Close-up of Zack' s Buster Sword planted in the ground] [One-winged Angel ends with "SEPHIROTH!!!"] [FFVII Advent Children title appears on black background] Narrator: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children [Cloud jumps with his motorbike and lets his sword clash against Kadaj' s who was waiting for the attack]