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I will never forget
The day I met him in the church,
His blue eyes of piercing beauty,
His reassuring manners for me.
So similar to my previous love
And yet so different,
I found in him the realization
Of all my secret longings so far.
I wanted to know him,
I wanted to understand him
His self and thoughts uncovered
Only to me, I desired in my heart.
But something never allowed me
To look through his unseen spirit:
He could not reveal his consciousness,
I never succeeded in meeting him for real.
It was then when all got started,
An adventure to the limits of comprehension
Where many people surrounded me,
Everyone with a hidden inner sorrow.
A girl with a deranged past,
A guy fighting for the planet,
A gentle creature with a mission,
A captain with so many dreams,
A man turned to a monster,
A stuffed toy who was a spy,
A young soul interested in treasures,
All of them accompanied us the way long.

I will never forget
The journey I shared with them,
The chase for a cold and wicked devil
The struggle against the madness he carried aside.
Mankind ill gave birth and rose him
To the heights of a soldier and a leader
And when he realized his condition
Quickly fell from glory into shadow.
He was foolished by even more lies,
Pulled to misunderstand his origin,
So he planned the most terrible deeds
While he believed to be... like me.
But I was the only survivor of my race,
A powerful, wise and ancient race
And because of that, I had to fulfil
What I was able to do to finally stop him.
Just for that, I couldn’ t live as I wished,
Lead a normal life, a happy and sweet life
I had to leave my joys, worries and feelings
And at last abandone the one I loved.
I told him " I’ ll handle him! "
Then I went to a forgotten place
Once there, I began to pray
For Cetra’ s spirits and Planet’ s life.
My darling followed and reached me
Stared towards my figure of light and shine
He was harmless, no chance to interfere
I stood still, and I was harmless too.

I will never forget
The darkness that suddenly came
The danger I felt in my soul
The blade which stabbed my body.
My existence was fading away
But I did not scream or cry
I died in the arms of my love
And Holy plunged into the water.
After that, I saw a beautiful angel
My mother descended and embraced me
She gave me her hand, I accepted it
And together left for the skies.
I knew my sacrifice had been for good
To help the Earth and every life on it
Defeating the evil from alien and man
Bringing peace over our universe.
When Meteor touched the land
Holy successfully awoke
Contrasting its strength and impact
In order not to damage anybody.
It was not enough, so I tried hard
To send the Lifestream as an aid
It enveloped the comet in a glance
Making disappear the image of grave.
Even if I had not the opportunity to love
Even if I had just one date with my dear
Even if I passed away when I was too young
I am glad, for my death became useful.

I gave myself for the sake of the world, perhaps the best thing I was able to do.
That, they will never forget.

| Your Love, Your Fear | The Evil One | The Crisis for the Planet | Destiny of Despair | The Seventh Fantasy | Winged Soul | Story of Light and Hope | Damned Existence | Lonely Girl

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